Correction Policy

At Timesnib, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of journalistic integrity and accuracy. We recognize that, despite our best efforts, occasional errors may occur. In such cases, we believe in being transparent and taking immediate action to correct any inaccuracies.

Scope of Corrections

We focus on correcting errors that can significantly impact the understanding or trustworthiness of our content, including but not limited to:

  • Factual inaccuracies involving names, dates, or locations
  • Mistakes in data, statistics, or any misrepresentation of facts
  • Typographical errors that mislead or confuse the reader
  • Clarifications when details are misinterpreted or vague

We strive to ensure our content is accurate, and any mistake identified will be corrected promptly and clearly.

Correction Process

  1. Clear Communication
    Whenever a correction is made, we will inform our readers. The correction will be indicated at the top or bottom of the article, and we will explain the nature of the error. If the change is significant, we will rephrase or update the article to reflect the corrected facts.
  2. Prompt Action
    We aim to address errors quickly, generally within 24 hours of being identified. For more complex corrections, we may require additional time, but we are committed to resolving issues as efficiently as possible.
  3. Accountability
    Our editorial team is responsible for reviewing and confirming all corrections. They ensure the changes are accurate, and that the correction does not alter the original story’s intent. We take full accountability for the content we publish and will always be transparent in how we amend errors.
  4. Article Updates
    In cases where new, important information becomes available or when the context changes, we may update the article rather than issuing a correction. We will ensure that these updates are clear and preserve the original story’s integrity.

Reporting an Error

If you notice a mistake in any of our articles, we encourage you to reach out to us. Please contact the editorial team at with a description of the issue, and any additional supporting details to help us resolve the error.

Commitment to Precision

At Timesnib, accuracy is one of our core values. We understand the importance of delivering credible news and information. Our editorial team works tirelessly to fact-check and ensure the content we publish is reliable. We welcome feedback and are committed to making necessary corrections to maintain the trust of our readers.